<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - Wars, Pestilences_CoVID-19_Famines Unfold_3-20-21]]>Sat, 11 Jan 2025 07:19:59 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Wars, Pestilences (CoVID-19), and Famines Unfold Under Mad Joe's Regime.]]>Thu, 25 Mar 2021 14:49:06 GMThttp://plim2.org/wars-pestilences_covid-19_famines-unfold_3-20-21/wars-pestilences-covid-19-and-famines-unfold-under-mad-joes-regimeFrom PLIM Email 3-20-21

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Tim Dixon’s 2-26-21 Dream, 
Homework Assignment for 4-4-21

April 4, 2021, Next Dream 
​Assignment, the first Sunday in April 2021 

Analysis of Tim Dixon’s Dream, 2-26-21 
Timothy Dixons NEW Prophetic Voices Message 2021: ŢRUMP'S Hands Untied, Gods Promises Are Real, 2-26-21

For Those Who Plan To Participate in Sunday, 
April 4, 2021 PLIM Webinar. 
Click here for On-line Registration.

Homework Assignment and Rules for Those Who Plan To Respond With 5-7 Minute Answers to 3 or 4Questions on Tim Dixon’s 2-26-21 Dream 
Dream starts 16:30 into the video. Bro. Tim tells of the first time he saw the man, the Lord, who visited him in his 2-26-21 dream. 

8 questions for Tim Dixon’s dream are below.

Answer 2 of 8 questions 
below and one or two others of your own. 
Use the scriptures (law, prophets, Isa. 8:20, 
and fulfillment, Matt. 5:17) to verify your 
interpretation if you are able. 
See Elohim Text, Vol. 4, p. 55 (B.H.D. IS 
Contact us with any questions. 

It's alright to make mistakes. We are all learning and the Holy Spirit is the Teacher (John 14:26). 
Look forward to your participation.

The intent of these questions is to get you to think symbolically rather than literally with revelations from the Holy Spirit. 

22:20 When the man (Elohim) opened the door way/portal 22:50 on the Jordan and said come and see what is this pointing to? What scriptures reflects this? 

23:50 What does it mean when the federal Arizona judge sitting at a desk stood and grew bigger and bigger, to the point that he tore open the roof of the building? 24:26 Elohim continued to point at the judge and said he is mine.

24:40 Woman sold out for money 26:30, 27:50 
Who does this woman point to in the scriptures?
25:30 hair cut & different color 

27:00 25 people of great power in a dark room. What does this represent?

31:20 Who is the man hidden in the freezer who’s death they are trying to hide?

34:40 Why were the 8 men/judges dressed in Persian clothes? What does this represent?

35:50 Woman sitting at the head of the table with Mystery Babylon written on her head. Where is she found in the Scriptures?

37:30 Trump with sock in his mouth bound with chains in King’s chair. What does the binding of Trump mean?

Wars, Pestilences (CoVID-19), 
and Famines Unfold Under Mad Joe. 
In this issue of the 3-20-21 PLIM Blog, I will cover some of the gaffes of our demented, fraudulent President Biden, including his inflammatory remarks against Russian President Putin and his great push to vaccinate all Americans with the experimental CoVID-19 vaccine through mass propaganda. 

Putin fires back after Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos | WNT - YouTube
President Joe Biden told ABC News he thought Russian President Vladimir Putin was a “killer” and “had no soul” Putin challenged the president to a one-on-one debate that would be broadcasted live. It’s unlikely that Biden will accept the invitation.

Get Ready For A Worst Case Scenario With Warmonger Joe Biden Taunting Russia And Nuclear War Completing America's Destruction, Assuring A 'Return To The Dark Ages'
"With the 'war of words' between Biden and Putin being kicked up to another level after a furious Putin wished Biden'good health' in what some are calling a 'sinister TV quip' after America's 'White House occupier' called Putin a 'killer' and the Kremlin demanded an apology for the 'unacceptable' words Biden had used, describing relations between the US and Russia as 'very bad', …"

I will also explore what Microsoft Bill Gates, one of the most hated men in the world today, has revealed: a new means to deliver vaccines through mosquitos. A bite from these mosquitos will inject a bit of vaccine in you.

There continues to be questions by the media and others about the health of demented, President Biden. Recall him stumbling up the steps to Air Force 1 three times before entering the plane. 

As I pointed out in the last blog about all kings who took the throne and lost their minds, like King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (Dan. 5 Chp.), their kingdoms suffered greatly. 

Our demented President insulted President Putin, the leader of one of the most powerful nations with nuclear weapons, saying he had no soul and was a killer. Putin’s Reaction was to recall all Russian ambassadors from DC back to Moscow for consultation. Note: Biden made no comment about China’s inhuman treatment of their citizens including removing and selling organs, and China’s predatory actions toward other nations.

I have shown in previous PLIM Blogs that we are at the beginning of a very important war cycle, beginning in 2020 and ending in the 2030s. The dragon China said they want to go to war with the US sometime in the 2030s when they will be more prepared (Rev. 13:4-7; 17:16). The war is both physical and spiritual. Have you heard of Agenda 2030?

Remember, Martin Armstrong's video in the 2-13-21 PLIM editorial. He mentions Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (the Davos billionaire club and top economic, corporate, and political officials), and their 8 Solutions for Agenda 2030 where you will own nothing and be happy which is communism. Note: Even the devil knows 2030 is 2000 years from AD 33/34).

What Would the War of 2030 Between China and the United States Look Like?

The U.S. Army in Asia, 2030–2040 

Israel has bombed Iranian bases in Syria and Russia has warned Israel about bombing Syria. Note: Syria has a treaty with Russia. They asked Russia to come into their country to protect them against Israel and the US. 

Again, the demented president sent American troops into Syria without their authorization. The Middle East is getting hot again. 

Now the Ukraine is also getting hot again. They have two states of Luhansk and Donetsk on the border of Russia who want to join Crimea in returning to Russia. But the Ukraine along with the West doesn’t accept their return because of our treaty with the Ukraine. 

Troops are amassed on both sides and firing has begun. Two Hal Turner articles below discuss what is happening on both sides. None of this is being covered in the American news.

Russia has cut off all communications with NATO as the article below states and also all submarines of the Black Sea Fleet have left the Russian base port for sea. This is the first time this has happened. No one knows what this means.

Hal Turner Radio Show - UKRAINE Massing Troops & Armor; Closes Distance to 400 Yards at Luhansk/Donetsk; Also Massing at Crimea

Ukraine Massing Troops on Border of Russia-Favoring Breakaway Provinces; Diplomat Says "War


Russia for the first time put all the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet to sea :'This is an unprecedented case, which is not found either in the fleets of the Russian Federation or in the fleets of foreign states,' he said. 


MSM isn’t covering the number of deaths of American blacks dying from CoVID-19 vaccines. You would think that American blacks would express the most vaccine hesitancy since the disastrous Tuskegee syphilis experiments on Black’s. Again the brainwashing and propaganda have deceived many African Americans into taking the vaccine. In an article below, Biden’s administration is spending $1.5 billion dollars to seduce Americans into taking vaccinations. 

Remember the quote from top virologist, Bossche on the dangers of CoVID-19, from Tuesday’s PLIM Email Editorial. 

Former Gates Foundation Vaccine Scientist Calls for Halt to Vaccinations, Predicts “Wipe Out” of Populations | Coronavirus News.  
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche writes in his Open Letter, which he submits to the world science community for open discussion:
“…it’s becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction…”

While white, Republican males are hanging tough with almost 50% of them refusing to take the CoVID-19 vaccine. Biden is even pushing Trump to encourage Republican men to take the vaccine since so many are refusing.

The powers that control the globe, mentioned in the article below, knows vaccines are “Keys to World Control,” including the Jesuit Pope Francis. He told Vatican employees it was mandatory they take the shot or lose their jobs. Wow!! This should not be a surprise. Moses wrote the serpent was more subtile than any beast of the field (Gen . 3:1).

Remember, Satan is a copy cat (Isa. 14:12) so as Yahweh used pestilences, famines, and wars to punish disobedient Israel. In like manner, Satan is using the same things in bringing about his New World Order (NWO) today. Remember, Satan plagued Job and Pharaoh instituted population control over the male Hebrew babies in Egypt (Exo. 1:8-22). This is the purpose of CoVID-19: to collapse the worlds’ economies, to create famine conditions, to eliminate the Constitution and rights to assembly, to reduce population, etc.

In this blog I have revealed the remarks from the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 2009 about the various secret intelligence agencies creating viruses, pretending they naturally occur and selling antidotes. Or in David Ike‘s words, the elite create a problem, the masses react, then the elite offer them a solution which results in the new world order.

The articles below support the scenarios described above.

Joe Biden mixes up Donald Trump with George Bush
His memory is slipping. Getting worse over time.

VP Biden Disrespected, Vaccine Debate NOT Allowed, Economy Still Tanking:Vice President Biden (stealing an election does not make you a legitimate President) is being disrespected globally.  
Globally world leaders know "Biden has dementia, and surely they all know he was cheated in by the Deep State globalists (this includes Republicans like Mitch McConnell)."

New questions over Biden's health as the president, 78, stumbles multiple times up the stairs of Air Force One before falling down: Recovers to give a salute before flying to Atlanta 
Biden’s coordination is breakingdown. The media says it was high winds that caused him to stumble. They know how to cover for him.

Biden to Give Away $1.5 Billion to People Preaching Joys of Vaxx to Conservatives, Millennials and Blacks – Anti-Empire
The Propaganda is getting to be hyped up. They want every human vaccinated.

“Vaccines” Are the Keys to World Control
Most definitely this as true and these Satanic spirits want world control as they once had in heaven before being cast out.

Bill Gates Most Terrifying Creation Yet! Hint…It Bites Humans To Inject “Substance” Without Consent
They are trying everything to get people vaccinated.

“They will create a virus, pretend and sell the antidotes” – Colonel Muammar Gaddafi 2009. 

The Black Death Vaccine Killing Black Celebrities
Africans American don’t get it. But in time they will, but there will be much woe, woe, woe as Revelation says.

Even a Chief Justice of an African country can see this vaccine is of the devil. 

BREAKING: Pentagon to Make COVID-19 Vaccine Mandatory in July
Vaccinations are being made mandatory for troops by July. This should be real interesting. Americans are dropping dead from vaccinations and being maimed.

Pope Francis Calls for ‘New World Order’, Supports The Great Reset Agenda
He wants to head up a world church.

On The Verge Of A Global Crisis: One Bank Warns Of A "Biblical" Surge In Food Prices | ZeroHedge
Famine is on its way. Can u imagine. 

In conclusion, America Is crumbling like Rome as we witness the final decimation of the Republic. Thanks To Joe Biden, Democrats and RINO's, part of the New World Order. Only a few understand the purpose of Yahweh.
